How to Select a Business Photographer to Take Your Professional Headshot in Toronto?

Professional headshot toronto

Selecting a professional photographer to take your headshot in Toronto can be overwhelming. There are many photographers out there, but how do you decide? We have compiled a list for you to use when trying to make the tough choice.

Step 1: Look for Quality

Images on the headshot photographer’s website should be in focus; they should not be pixelated; the subjects should look comfortable. People should not appear overly retouched and should have age-appropriate skin.
Many of those who claim they are professionals are hobbyists; they take photos for some extra pocket change. Unfortunately, this often shows through in their work quality. Portraits should be in focus, well lit, and high resolution. If they cannot post images online without losing image quality, they are likely unskilled or inexperienced.

Step 2: Look for Quantity

Does the prospective professional photographer have a lot of work online? True professionals will be able to demonstrate an extensive portfolio. Frequently updated social media is also an indicator. This will show the photographer has a large client base. From the photos you see online, if there is a large number, you can move on to evaluate consistency.

Step 3: Look for Consistency

From what you see in their examples, is the work consistent? Do most of the subjects look comfortable? Does the photographer only provide corporate photography, or do they offer a range of services? Do the portraits look like what others in your industry use?
The consistency of their work is a good indicator that the photographer works well with their clients and knows their job. It will also give you an idea of what to expect if you have your corporate headshot done with them.

Step 4: Convenience

Are you able to make the portrait work in your schedule? For example, do you have to travel to a studio, or can you have your professional headshot done in your home or office? Would the timeline work well in your busy schedule?
Convenience is an essential facet of deciding who to work with because if you are rushed and anxious, you may not look your best. In addition, having your portrait done in a familiar and comfortable environment allows portraits to look more natural.

Step 5: Communication

Are you able to contact the photographer? Do they return your calls and emails? Are they open to answering questions? Is the photographer able to discuss your needs and how to achieve them? Do they sound confident in their recommendations? What do they offer with their package?
How the photographer communicates with their customers indicates how invested they are in their services. If they can answer your questions with confidence, they likely know their job inside and out and will be able to provide you with the type of portrait to meet your needs.

Step 6: Cost

After you have looked through their work and how they interact, you can evaluate what you get for the price you pay. There will be corporate photographers who are more or less expensive, but the services and quality they offer for that price will vary drastically.
Often the price is correlated with quality and experience; only by comparing their work and how they interact with clients will you fully be able to judge which professional photographer is best suited to your needs.



Overall, Toronto’s market is flooded with corporate headshot photographers. That being said, very few offer high-quality services, and even fewer can do what we do. We provide unmatched service at an excellent value right in your home or office. Let us show you how we stand a head above the crowd! Feel free to contact us anytime to discuss what we can do to help you get your best business headshot ever.