Professional Corporate Photography in Toronto

On Thursday, our professional corporate photographer headed to Peakhill Capital’s Toronto office to photograph one of their senior associates. Their selected setup was the fashion grey colour backdrop with gradient lighting setup to match their previous photography bookings. This is the sixth time we have been in to update portraits.
A common question we get asked is what colour backdrop is best. One of the biggest trends right now is grey. It’s neutral, modern and versatile. At the moment, we have several grey backdrop options to choose from, ranging from very light to very dark depending on the look you are going for. All of which can be done in a gradient style as well. Grey backgrounds for large groups are ideal because it works well with all skin undertones and just about every outfit choice. Our top talent photographers can match the exact tones and lighting each time, so you can be sure that no matter how many different days we come in on, we can make your team look consistent, so scheduling is never a problem.