Outdoor Portraits with Oakville Photographers

Oakville photographers

On Monday, our business headshot photographer headed to the Oakville home of one of McMaster University’s Assistant Deans. His setup of choice was the blurred background taken outside.

Now that the weather is getting nicer, we find our clients choose to venture back outside for blurred and in-focus setups more often. We often get asked if we offer our outdoor setups during the winter, and we certainly do. From mild to bitterly cold days right through the summer’s scorching heat, we are more than happy to do outdoor portraits, as long as we can get away from rain or heavy snow and winds. Our photographers are trained to get your perfect shot quickly to keep you comfortable no matter the temperature.

The outdoor portraits are a great way to get seasonal updates for social media with a more personal feel. We can book quarterly updates that reflect the unique textures and backgrounds of the seasons. Contact us, and we can help you pick the right time and the best location to capture your portrait.

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