Toronto Headshot Photographer Takes Blurred Background Portraits

Headshot photographer in toronto

Our headshot photographer headed to Stacey’s Toronto home to take her portrait on her rooftop patio a few days ago. Stacey is an Associate Director with Scotiabank. The gorgeous patio was the perfect backdrop for her portrait. With the added flexibility of choosing just about anywhere for your portrait, it may be challenging to determine where is best for you.

Some great places include parks for greenery or autumn colours, and street-level for a bold metropolitan feel, against a window if you are looking to feature the exciting texture of the Toronto skyline. Indoor options are also fantastic for office settings, in kitchens for those in real estate or bloggers, or even front hallways and entryways for a unique environment. Any space you find interesting can be featured as your background. You can book your blurred background portrait online or contact us if you need help choosing the best setting.

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