Toronto Headshot Photographers & the Importance of a Pose

Headshot photographer toronto

Earlier this week, our headshot photographers headed to the Toronto home of Michelle, a Real Estate Services Coordinator with CBRE. Her selected setup was the white backdrop.

We offer the best headshot services in the city because of our quality and because we have made it our mission to keep on top of the preferred trends of different industries. For those involved in the Real Estate sector, flexibility is typically the name of the game for general headshots. Still, more stylized portraits are great for short-term circulars and digital materials.

Posing is another crucial element. How stoic or welcoming a portrait should be is determined by what industry you work in. For Realty, it is essential to be both welcoming to new clients and representative of the need to be firm in negotiations. Posing is something most other photographers have little skill or knowledge in. They do not take the time to truly understand how critical it is to a good headshot, which is why you see a lot of very awkward real estate agents and lawyer bus and bench ads. We won't let you feel or look awkward during your portrait session.

Contact us to find out what portrait package would be best for your industry.

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